Seeking Authenticity & Pursuing a Path of Joy with Audrey Hall

Today we have the great pleasure of talking with Audrey Hall - who started taking photos in 1991 and since then has created a full career including being an artist, commercial photographer, and now the scariest thing yet for her, music.

After experiencing severe burnout and losing "my passion for what I do", Audrey pursued "a path of joy", trying many different new things. Music was the thing that stuck.

She talks with us about how scary it is to be a beginner at something after having proficiency in another craft. 

She shares a hilarious story about how even her friend and neighbor Jeff Bridges gets nervous, but, in his words, "the experience makes it all worth it."

Audrey smartly shares that, "It's okay to be afraid," and explains how nerve is a great tool to keep you present and paying attention.

We discuss how, as a culture, we are encouraged to specialize and master ONE thing, but as Audrey points out - "people have depth."

She describes the journey she's been on with creating music and asking herself, "How can I be most authentically me? And how do I put that into the world?"

We also discuss masculine vs feminine energy and not indulging the culture of "busy", and Audrey gives great advice to any one looking to transition out of their 9-5.

Audrey advises surrounding yourself with people better than you and says, "Making art is one of the bravest things you can do."